Hunger strikes Black Families harder

Black families face hunger challenges far more often than white families do because of the communities they live in, the social class they may fall into, financial struggles, and the environments they live in. According to Harvard, in 2020 nearly 4 in 10 Black families faced food insecurity during the pandemic.

Understanding the hunger problem

0 %
of Black households with children are currently food insecure
Adults (8.8 percent) said their household didn’t get enough to eat sometimes as of late March 2021
Truck Loads of Fresh Produce Rescued Annually

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Frequently Asked Questions

98 percent of the donations are used by the Program in Hunger Relief Programs, distributing and transporting of needed assistance.

The employees who work directly in the food rescue program are 100% volunteers. All of the budget is used to help those in need and support other charities doing the same work.

The additional money should enable us to rescue more of the 70% of fresh produce  that is wasted every year in Nogales, AZ. That produce will then be sorted and distributed to surrounding food banks. 

WE Cause DBA: “Feed Children Everywhere” is a non-profit 501(c)3 public charity (tax ID# 84-4122778).

Give By A Current Need


Children & Families Effected by COVID-19


Overseas Feeding Programs


Childhood Hunger

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Child Hunger In America